miniCT 温盐仪
miniCT 温盐仪

The miniCT is Valeport's latest real time Conductivity and Temperature sensor package. It features high accuracy sensors combined with a robust design to make it suitable for inclusion in a variety of sensor suites, fixed site monitoring in still wells (for low bio-fouling) or for use on ROVs or other vehicles.

Valeport's new digital inductive conductivity sensor boasts several design features that allow it to perform to specification even under the harshest of environments.

Specially selected materials maintain dimensional stability to 6000m water depth, and the unique digital sampling system means that the sensor not only uses very little power, but also that the measurements are totally unaffected by environmental temperature. The miniCT also features a robust, titanium housed PRT temperature sensor.


Type:           Valeport inductive cell

Range:         0 - 80mS/cm

Accuracy:     ±0.01mS/cm

Resolution:   0.001mS/cm


Type:           Titanium housed PRT

Range:         -5 to +35°C

Accuracy:     ±0.01°C

Resolution:   0.001°C

Data Acquisition

Sampling:    Continuous data output, on command or on power up

Data Rate:   1, 2, 4 or 8Hz


Output:       RS232 & RS485 fitted as standard

Protocol:     4800 to 115200 baud, (8,1,N)

Format:       ASCII text Data


Materials:        titanium housing, polyurethane and ceramic sensor components

Depth Rating:  6000m

Size:                40mmØ x 285mm long (including connector)

Weight:           1kg


Input:             9 – 28V DC

Power:           <250mW @ 12v

Connector:     SubConn MCBH6F